PyForbes - Python wrapper for Forbes APIΒΆ


This project is under active development.

PyForbes is a unofficial Python wrapper for Forbes API.

PyForbes allows developers to analyze Forbes data or build web application with Forbes data.

PyForbes provides ease of access to developers and data scientists by providing python interface to directly get the Forbes data as a Pandas.DataFrame or JSON Dictionary.

A Simple PyForbes application typically looks like this

from pyforbes import ForbesList

flist = ForbesList()

# Get ForbesList data as a JSON
billionaires_json = flist.get_json('billionaires', year=2020)

# Get ForbesList data as a DataFrame
billionaires_df = flist.get_df('billionaires', year=2020)

In order to make the most out of PyForbes, you should start with the Documentation:Examples that will lead you through the most common aspects of the package.